End Teen Dating Violence

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Statistics on Teen Dating Violence

Teen Dating Violence is becoming a serious problem in the United States. The U.S. Department of Justice reports that from 2000-2009 rape/sexual assault fell by over 50% for individuals aged 12 and older.

  • In 2009, 41% of females aged 12 and up who were victims of rape/sexual assault were attacked by their intimate partners compared to 18% in 2000
  • In 2009, 26% of all Violent Crimes (defined as rape/sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault) with female victims was committed by intimate partners compared to 21% in 2000
Overall the rate of rape/sexual assault by strangers and non-strangers fell from 2000-2009....MORE women and girls were victimized by their intimate partners.


  1. The majority of TDV and intimate partner abuse victims are female (However, many males are also victims of TDV and sexual assault/rape). What's crazy is that if you watched crime TV channels, you'd think the majority of women who are murdered are killed by strangers lurking in alleys. BUT they are not; most women who are killed are killed by intimate partners AND intimate partner violence peaks for women between the ages of 16-24!!!

  2. Watch the Tyra Show today!!!
    She will be discussing the impact of teen dating violence on the lives of teens, their families & our communities. For more information, visit http://tyrashow.warnerbros.com/
